General Office Security

Security Contacts

On-site Security Desk 202.237.7900

Daytime Security. Security of your suite is important to us and we ask for your cooperation in maintaining its integrity. Here are several steps offered by the Metropolitan Police Department, your building security provider and Cushman & Wakefield to help protect you and your organization.

  • Do not let anyone follow you through the building access points. Everyone authorized to enter the building after hours has a security access card that they should use to gain access.  The police state that intruders often follow authorized persons into buildings to conduct thefts.
  • Secure your laptop computers. While this may be difficult to accomplish during business hours, laptops are a prime target for thieves.  Extra effort should be made to secure laptops at the end of the day and on weekends.
  • Protect your computer data and serial numbers.  Make regular backups of your computer systems and store a complete set of the data off-site.  Also, keep a list of all serial numbers of laptops and other office equipment.  Store serial numbers in a secure location, as thieves have been known to steal that information.
  • Engrave names and tax identification numbers on valuables when possible and photograph them. This will help speed their identification upon recovery and help ensure their return to you.
  • Maintain an accurate list of security devices (Datawatch keycards, etc.) issued to your office.  Extra security devices and office keys should be kept in a locked location.  Report all lost cards to your security provider immediately so unauthorized persons cannot use them.  Our building security providers also recommend that each building Client periodically review the listing of security devices currently issues to employees in each suite.  Please audit your list, marking out those individuals who no longer work in your suite and making any other changes to the key list as necessary.  Please return this list to Property Management.
  • Maintain a presence in your reception area and don’t allow anyone to wander through your suite or the building unattended. Be especially aware of your front door activity during the lunch hour and as the office is closing at the end of the day.  Payment for services should always be made in the reception area and not in the office where petty cash is kept.
  • Report all suspicious individuals in the building immediately to Security at 202.237.7900 and Cushman & Wakefield Property Management at 202.594.3890Always escort vendors and service technicians.  Do not allow anyone to remove equipment without verifying that they are authorized to do so by asking for photo identification, calling their office or the person who made the request and/or viewing the work order.  We will do our best to inform you if we are doing work in the building.  If you are unsure about the identity of a service provider seeking access to your space, please call us.  Remember that all Cushman & Wakefield building staff is uniformed and carries identification.
  • Do not leave purses or billfolds in open, visible locations, or in obvious places (i.e. the top desk drawer, the top file cabinet, or the inside of a jacket hanging on the door).
  • Lock your door and secure your suite alarm system from the inside when working late or early.  Remember to secure your suite alarm system at the end of the day as well.  The cleaning personnel have been instructed to take extra precautions by checking suite and stairwell doors to make certain they are properly locked.

If you are using the parking garage, we recommend that valuable items should not be left in your vehicle or at a minimum are not visible through the windows of your vehicle.  This would also include equipment associated with valuables such as GPS holders and power cords for electronic devices.

Additional Security

As a measure of additional security, we provide an attendant from Admiral Security 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The information and security desk is located on the Street level of the building, adjacent to the Embassy Suites entrance.  The attendant is there to assist you, and is mainly responsible for checking the building periodically and observing and reporting any suspicious people or activities; monitoring security cameras; and is even available to walk you to the garage.  To further our security efforts, the Concierge or lobby attendant is discouraged from accepting packages, unlocking your suite door, and allowing visitors into the offices (this should be done through Datawatch Systems).

Datawatch Systems has additional suite security systems available for a nominal cost if your firm requires added security. There are several devices available to enhance daytime safety such as doorbells, door chimes and electric lock releases.  If you need additional daytime security, please contact the Property Management Office, who will be happy to discuss the security options available to you. Options may vary according to suite configuration.

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